Wednesday, October 13, 2010

inspiration for an inspiration board

For months now I have been dreaming of doing an inspiration board.  I'm definitely one of those people that is much more likely to work towards a dream/goal/idea if I have something in my face to constantly remind me of it.  However, I am not a fan of cork boards.  I think I liked them a little too much in middle school and I'm afraid I'll regress if I bring one back into my life.  I like padded ribbon boards, but I already have one of those.  I feel like it's too small to be an inspiration board, plus I really like all the random sentimental items that have made that board their permanent home.

To be honest, I figured that one day I would just give up and accept the cork board because even though I knew what I didn't want, I had no idea what I did want.  That's when I met the inspiration board of my dreams:

An old frame that used to hold a mirror, some chicken coup wire, a staple gun, and some clothespins.  Love every part of it.  I feel a Christmas break (even though I'm not in school, I have a total of 10 and a half days off around Christmas, so I think that qualifies as a "break") project coming on - if I can hold off for that long of course.


  1. I'll craft with you!!

    And are you coming to NC for those 10 and a half days?

  2. Si si! Well, at least some of it. I'll be home Dec 23 (getting home super late on the 22nd) and leaving on the 29. Plan on spending mucho time with me in our garage.
