Wednesday, January 26, 2011

and this is only the beginning

Oh hello there.  Been a while?  Tell me about it.  Just a quick update:

- it snowed yesterday
- it snowed today
- it's sleeting, wintery mixing, and snowing through the night
- snow is on the forecast for tomorrow
- snow is on the forecast for Friday
- snow is on the forecast for Saturday

Plus side: when I'm sitting in my cube, it feels like I'm in a snow globe.  Down side: skidding through stop lights.

Real down side?  We're moving on Saturday.  And right now the path from our apartment to our cars is not a wide one, and there's at least a foot and half of snow on either side of said path (because the snow from the Christmas blizzard never ever got a chance to melt and it's just been piling on since then). 

Annnnnyways, packing is going so well!  I've filled one Goodwill bag full of clothes and am working on a second.  For those keeping track, that's a total of 4 trash bags plus one big Gap bag that have been/will be donated to Goodwill since November (and let's not forget all those clothes that went to Dress for Success).  The sad thing?  My closet is still a wee bit too full.  Eeks.  But I'm loving all this de-cluttering, trashing, and donating that's going on because clearly I needed it.

However, I have a problem and that problem is a shower curtain. Ever since last February, we haven't needed a shower curtain because we had a glass door at Belmont and now at Newfield we have weird glass "European" style doors (read: door only covers one half of the shower) so we have a basic liner covering the other half.  But now my friends we will need a shower curtain.  Fact: I was up until past 1 am on Monday night because I was afraid I'd never be able to find a shower curtain I liked.  After online searching for about 2 hours, I had found just 2 that were options and I was far from sold on either of them.  Two anxious days later and we might have just found something that will help me sleep pretty tonight:

Hey there subtle yet pretty pattern in a color palette that doesn't scream "OMG I love Justin Bieber" or "I'm ready for my hip replacement guys!"  Let me tell you, it's not pretty out there in shower curtain land, but this one has the potential to be something special.  It's out of stock online, but it's supposedly in stock at my local Target so you can expect to find me there very soon. 

Want to see the rug I've been eyeing for far too long?  Okay!!

Sorry that Anthro put a white rug on a white background, but I do love this dainty thing oh so much.  Good news: Will does too.  Because yes, his opinion matters.  And when I show him all potential shower curtain/rug options and he doesn't like one that I do and I pout he makes sure to remind me that his opinion matters.  Right.  This rug is a little pricey, but considering we don't need much else for the bathroom (and because I'll want this rug no matter what rug I get), I'm a-okay with it.

Thanks for listening to my troubles.  Maybe it's the snow, maybe it's the boxes, maybe it's all the plans running around and tripping into one another in my head, but I'm a little loopy tonight.  Okay, off to pack up my jewelry box, sewing box, and a random vase.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


It was seriously one of those weeks.  On Monday it started with something bad happening at work that was not our/my fault, but was on a campaign that I worked on.  On Tuesday it sounded like things could be resolving well but by Tuesday afternoon, that was clearly not the case.  On Wednesday we woke up to an extra foot of snow on the ground and an unexpected snow day - only because the building where my office is actually closed down.  However, I had to do some work from home and let's just say that's pretty hard to manage when you only have access to email.  On Thursday I finally gave up and cried.  In my cube.  Yeah.  I also postponed the conversation I wanted to have with my boss because I had a feeling those recent tears would not help my case.  On Friday I handled crisis 186 of the week and impatiently waited for 5 pm.  And that's all I'll say about it.

Now that it's the weekend, I can finally start to enjoy life again.  Some things I've been working on:

- Designing a 2011 calendar much like this one.  Had a little snafu this morning when my computer shut down for updates and I apparently forgot to save said calendar, but we're back in action and I plan on printing this baby out at a Kinkos soon.  Expect to see it in the new place.  Places I am already planning to check off: Seattle, Dallas, Chicago, Pinehurst, and Cary/Chapel Hill.  Here's to hoping I travel all sorts of places.

- Coasters.  They are wooden and I am obsessed.  So far I have sanded and wood puttied.  Today I plan on staining and next week I'll paint.  Hip hip hooray.

- Packing.  Yes, packing has commenced and I actually like it.  Along with my a bag of clothing that I am filling to take to Goodwill, I picked out 4 books to donate.  Purge people purge.

- Christmas shopping.  No seriously, I already found something for someone next year.  Yesss.  So ahead of the game.  Now if only it would come back in stock.

- Braving danger each and every day.  Because this is what we're dealing with here in snow plagued CT:

Ginormous icicles... 

...that are right above the door to our apartment. 

Everytime Will goes under he puts his arm over his head.  Every time I do I just to try to move quickly while not sliding on the 2 inches of ice right outside the door.  It's quite a feat.

Anyways, that's my life.  Nothing exciting or particularly great in the last week.  Here's to next week - and a much better one at that.

Monday, January 10, 2011

map me

Update: So in that dream bedroom I told you about, scratch the orange.  I want rust color accents.  Much like the ones in this beautiful map.

I felt like my one-day bedroom was missing something and I definitely just found that something.  You can find me dreaming about this pretty thing tonight.

Man, blue carpet is going to be way harder to deal with than I thought.

PS: Will just asked me where the green blue and plaid comforter is going?  "Is it going to the dry cleaners?"  "Are you turning it over to the stripe side?"  "Where is it going, Allison?"  Don't worry Will, all comforters go to heaven.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

goodbye green and blue plaid comforter

One of things that I miss most since moving up to CT with Will is my awesome Queen size mattress that I bought at the beginning of my senior year of college.  Not only does it have a pillow top plus an extra memory foam pad, but I also got a sweet deal on it because, well, the man ringing me up wasn't the best at math and he was doing it by hand and... yeah.  Before you think I'm a terrible person, just know that my dad was sitting right beside me while this math went on and he didn't speak up either.  Okay maybe just a little bit terrible.

Anyways, getting to enjoy that bed for 7 nights - and plotting how to get it up here - combined with all this moving stuff (good news: we picked a place for January - July!), has made me think about how I would decorate the bedroom from almost scratch - if I could.  Then I remember the new place has faded royal-blue carpet in our bedroom so yeah, I won't be rushing on this because a) we'll be moving again in July and b) um, weird carpet. 

However, if I were to decorate the way I like, it would probably have this comforter

With a tufted headboard like this (but maybe in a darker taupe color?)

And with decorative pillows out of this fabric (which lucky me, I already own!) and maybe other fabrics with punches of orange?

And there would be a lamp similar to this, but made with the brown bulb vase I bought at TJ Maxx and maybe a tweed or burlap shade

With this clock on my bed side table

And a copper elephant that my dad is going to make will of course be found somewhere amongst all of this.

I will definitely be looking for that comforter to go on sale one day soon.  And now that I have a new work space to play in, I can totally make the vase lamp so it will be ready to go.  Another plus to moving is that it makes me want to go through everything and get rid of tons of clutter so I'm actually looking forward to moving this time.  Hopefully I can keep this positive attitude going strong.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the makings of a very fine kitchen

When I went home for Christmas (how sad is it going to be when I run out of stories that start with "When I went home for Christmas"?), I finally got to see the pretty little rug I ordered with a $25 credit from Gilt.  It was even better than I remembered.  Then, I spotted a framed Sevilla poster behind a dresser that my friend Kristen gave me a few years ago.  And then (it really helps if you do it in the Dude Where's My Car voice), I remembered that Will gave me a 10-piece pots and pans set last year and the handles are orange.  Let me show you why that matters.

Do you see what's happening here?  I'm already desigining my one-day kitchen (complete with bright white cabinets and dark wood floors because a girl can dream).  To make things even better, I already have a red tea pot, a large skillet with an orange bottem and a medium skillet with a red bottom.  I love when things come together so easily.  Knock on wood.

And just because I can, I might just add this to the mix.

It is orange after all.

Monday, January 3, 2011

trace face

A few months ago I realized how much I like old maps and globes.  I even posted about an old North Carolina map that I saw on Ebay and my dad got it for me for Christmas!  Well, one day I was trying to brainstorm fun ways to display all the places Will and I have lived.  After all, once the 3rd move within Connecticut was scheduled, I thought it would be nice to keep track.  First I thought it would be fun to do keys, but then I realized we hadn't kept up with those.  So then I thought what about a map of each place?  But then I would have 3 Connecticut maps and let's get real, I only need one of those in my life.  Plus it would be a little too map-heavy since maps are so big.  Then I remembered post cards!  And that brings me to this:

There are 6 because I thought Will should be well represented and he lived in Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida all before the age of 9.  Way to rack up those states bud.  All of the post cards came from Ebay, and most were free shipping and under $2. 

Anyways, as beautiful as these are, I didn't want to just frame them and throw them up on the wall.  So instead, I did a little tracing:

I traced them all and intend to scan them, make them all the same size, maybe change the outline/background color, and then get them printed somewhere like Kinko's on card stock paper.  Hopefully it will look like it does in my head: simple yet interesting and professional (much more so than the current state for sure).  I'll keep you updated.

Oh, and I knew tracing would be easy because I remembered back in high school when we had these tracing tables that were made up of a transparent top with a light underneath.  Then I realized I don't own one of those tables and I stalled for about 2 months.  Until last night when I had a light bulb moment.  Welcome to my tracing station:

See?  All you need is 2 boxes, a miniature baby lamp that always made you think "What do you do with a lamp that size?," 2 bar stools (Christmas tablecloth is optional), kitchen chair, tape (to keep postcard and paper in place), and the glass from a frame.

Happy tracing!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

girl needs to spray paint

Back in November my mom sent me a card and one of the things she wrote was, "I was thinking we should go to some second-hand shops while you're home."  If I told you this made me smile real big and do a little hop-skip right there in the post office, would you believe me?  You should, because I totally did.

Here are the goodies I picked up after we ventured out to 6 different thrift/second-hand/antique shops:

I love it all.  So much.  Anyone in the Pinehurst/Southern Pines/Aberdeen area, you should most definitely go to Adam's Thrift Shop and The Peddler in Pinebluff.  They are right beside each other and they have some super good deals. 

Anyways, I can't wait to spray paint the frame of that mirror and the big frame with the artwork (which I will be taking out).  I love big frames and mirrors but hardly ever buy any because they are usually so darn pricey.  The old milk bottle on the left will be a great simple vase for any flowers that you know, Will might bring home sometime.  Once all the other vases/flasks/bottles are spraypainted and attached to a piece of wood, the final piece will hopefully resemble something like this nifty little Stalagmite Vase from Urban Outfitters:

And speaking of gluing, sanding, and spray painting, Will and I looked at a potential condo for us to live in January - July and Will is already referring to the garage as my "work space."  Heck yeah.

Price breakdown for thrift store finds:
Mirror: $10 (Adam's)
Milk jug: $1 (Adam's)
Five other bottles/vases: $5 (Adam's; Peddler; and Pasttimes, West End)
14 x 16 frame: $10 (Michael's Auction Gallary, Southern Pines - going out of business)

Oh and I almost forgot one!  My mom bought a carved wooden Santa half off at one thrift shop and she got to pick out a free DVD.  Since my mom doesn't do technology, she let me pick one out for myself.  The lady suggested I get Austin Powers or Cheaper by the Dozen.  Guess what I picked?

Oh yeah.  Take that Cheaper by the Dozen.

Anyways, Kate and Amy and I also went to TJ Maxx after having lunch one day.  This was a big thing for me because a) I love TJ Maxx and b) it was my first time going to the TJ at home.  My poor little hometown is just getting so big.  Two parts fun, one part sad, and one part terrifying. 

Moving on, here's what I scooped up there:

I've been looking for a nice little drinks/breakfast tray, so of course I snatched this one up for $8.  Then I found the nice big bulb vase that I'm going to turn into a lamp with a standard lamp kit from either Wal-Mart or Home Depot and a shade that I'll find somewhere along the way.  Also $8.  Then I got those two little frames.  The one in the back ($8) will stay as is, aka far away from spray paint, but the silver one in front is definitely getting the spray paint treatment.  I plan on doing this one day:

It's just so interesting to look at it.  So fun.  Oh and no worries, I've already started collecting frames for this little project:

All but that pretty little one second from the left will most definitely be spray painted.  I mean everyone loves a sunflower, but still.  That one will get spray painted white.  As for the 2 silver ones, I haven't decided on a color quite yet.  The frames on the ends are from Goodwill and were a total of $5.  Perfect.  Oh, and the "Food for the Southern Soul" sticker won't be staying there, but I figured safely storing it somewhere would be a great way for me to not lose it.  I put my thinking cap on for that one.

How great is it going to be when I get that work space?

month-by-month memories

I just saw this short and sweet list on Courtney's blog and decided to do one myself.  So here goes my list of 2010 highlights:

In January, I enjoyed an awesome roommate-free weekend that involved walking down the street to pick up a delicious Four Seasons pizza and watched lots of shows that are not boy-approved.

In February, I had a birthday and Will totally caught me off-guard by getting me a Wii and Wii Fit.  And we saw Mary Poppins on Broadway on Valentine's Day!

In March, I joined my new gym.

In April, I surprised my parents and showed up on their doorstep at 11:30 on a random Wednesday night.  Best. Surprise. Ever.

In May, we saw Promises Promises on Broadway.

In June, Natalie visited! Will and I went to Chicago (and fell in love with the place) for the very first time.  We also saw an Eagles concert!

Natalie and I at Rockefellar Plaza!

L to R: Eagles concert at Soldier Field; Standing in a glass box 103 stories high outside of Sears Tower!; View from the Sears Tower observation deck

In July, I had all 4 day weeks: I spent 2 weekends in a row with my parents (one in CT and one in Pennsylvania) and Will and I flew to California (my first time there!) for a fun-filled wedding weekend.

My mom (clearly) rocking out at a George Clinton concert

Flying into LAX!

In August, Kelcey came to visit!

We were at the bar til closing time... which, um, led me to sleeping in Gumby position outside Grand Central.  Still too soon to share that picture.

In September, Will and I spent Labor Day weekend at his parent's lakehouse with both of our families - and it was wonderful.  We also celebrated our 3 year, went on a dinner cruise, and we went to a Train concert!

In October, I went to the Bobby Cox tribute which was held during the second-to-last Braves game of the regular season.  And my parents were there too!  Also, Chris and JP stopped by CT for a short visit!

L to R: Lots of lots of former Braves players; It's not just Braves fans that are impressed by Bobby; Bobby's speech!

In November, Will's parents came for a visit! And Courtney came to visit too!  Then Will and I ate a ton of awesome food with his family at his grandma's beach house over Thanksgiving.  Bonus: it was 78 degrees. 

In December, we went to the Christmas Spectacular, I met Ginger, spent a wonderful week at home in North Carolina, and started getting excited for 2011.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

a dog named ginger

For those of you that don't know, I had a dog named Sandie for almost 15 years.  When I was in 2nd grade, I spent the night at a friend's house.  Since my friend's aunt worked at the humane society, we of course went by there - something that my dad still can't get over.  "Who takes 8 year olds to see all those dogs?! Of course they're going to fall in love with one!"  And I totally did fall in love with this little chub-a-lub of a puppy.

Rather than break my poor 8 year old heart, I found her waiting for me in our laundry room when I came home from gymnastics practice three nights later.  She lived a long and happy life and had to be put down just 2 days before her 15th birthday this past January.

We miss her dearly.  However, right after Thanksgiving, a new dog moved into our house.  Let me introduce you to Ginger.

She is part border collie, part golden receiver, full sweatheart and is 4 and a half years old.  She's just a love who constantly wants you to pet her.  As far as we know, we are her 3rd family, and there's really no telling how many she had beyond that.  In the first month that my family had her, neither my mom or dad ever saw her play with a toy or play at all really - no matter how many times my dad tried to get her to chase him.  However, all 3 of us witnessed her charging at both a ball and a snowman she got for Christmas (and as soon as she knew that we saw her, she quickly dropped said toy and came over wanting to be pet), so I think Ginger is finally starting to feel like this is her home.

Ginger is most definitely my dad's dog.  She loves my mom too (especially since my mom gives her the treats), but Ginger hardly leaves my dad's side.  Since he took time off around Christmas, he's been taking her to dog part at least once, and often twice, a day.  He takes her on tons of car rides - whether he's going to my Mema's, to a work site, or even just to the store for a quick minute, she rides along.  And she loves cuddling up beside him to get her belly rubbed.

She also sleeps on her back (and I had never seen a full-grown dog do this), always tries to get her paw or chin on you someway or another, and occasionally decides she doesn't like the backseat of the car and brings her 70 lb self up to the passenger seat - even if there is a passenger (aka me) sitting there.

I hated saying goodbye to this sweet girl, but I'm so glad my parents found another dog that fits right into our household.  Just look at that face.

twas a merry merry christmas

And I'm back.  I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!  I had a great Christmas and hope you did as well.  There's nothing quite like getting to hang out at home with your parents and their new dog Ginger (!!!) and getting to see friends that you no longer get to see everyday.  It's even better when you're me and being in North Carolina makes you a million times happier than being in Connecticut does.  A week in NC definitely made me feel more like me than I have in quite some time.  Plus, 2011 has some promising plans...

Anyways, time for some Christmas pictures!  More specifically, pictures of the gifts that I loved - both the ones I gave and the ones I received.  I would put a family picture first because that was the best gift of all (awwww), but it wasn't until we were standing outside the security line at the airport on Thursday that we realized we hadn't taken one single picture of the three (four with Ginger) of us.  Oops.

To my mom and dad: XM radio because these two really like their music.  A lot.  And because now my dad can listen to Braves games and UNC games when they aren't on TV.  Plus the screen is big enough that it's parent's-eyes friendly.  Perfect!

To my mom: hey look, a family picture!  I had this picture turned into a 16x20 photo canvas (via canvaspop with a coupon from Living Social).  The canvas quality is awesome.  Oh, and there was an adorable picture of me and mom when I was little, but since she attacked it with designer scissors it wasn't usable.  Good thing the picture above survived.  PS check out my Dad's mullet.  Hahaha.

To my dad: some warm cozy Rockport moccasin slippers (found at Marshalls!) because he had old school, high top, green and black plaid flannel slippers that are older than me.  I figure after 23+ years, it was more than acceptable to introduce a new pair of slippers to the rotation.

To me from mom and dad: a mouse sander! My tool box just gets cooler and cooler every year.  That yellow thing in the back?  A perfect beginning sewing machine.  Not pictured?  A hand-me-down drill from my dad.  So many awesome toys.

To me from Will: an awesome adjustable easel that folds up into a nice little carrying case!  And it even has a drawer that can hold paints and brushes while I'm painting.  I didn't even know easels could have drawers! Oh, and it came with one of those paint pallets that you can hold while painting, so I'm totally going to Bob Ross it up. (Will had never heard of Bob Ross, so when I told him that I had to follow it up and tell him about painting "happy trees" in a super soft and soothing voice).

To Will: I was unbelievably excited for Will to open this Fathead up because a) I was pretty positive he was going to flip out and b) I didn't take it out of the box when it arrived for fear that I would never be able to get it back in the box.  It's even better than I imagined and Will loves loves loves it.  Yes, it is 8 feet long and yes, it came with bonus Fatheads (on Will's end).  Oh PS, say hi to our roommate Tom!

Early birthday present from mom and dad: My birthday is in early February, but they gave this to me early because they started to get nervous that I was going to go out and buy this guy myself after I didn't get it for Christmas. I can't wait to go to my next Braves game!

Again, I hope you had a great holiday and had time to relax, hang out with friends and family, and play with your new goodies too!