Sunday, January 2, 2011

girl needs to spray paint

Back in November my mom sent me a card and one of the things she wrote was, "I was thinking we should go to some second-hand shops while you're home."  If I told you this made me smile real big and do a little hop-skip right there in the post office, would you believe me?  You should, because I totally did.

Here are the goodies I picked up after we ventured out to 6 different thrift/second-hand/antique shops:

I love it all.  So much.  Anyone in the Pinehurst/Southern Pines/Aberdeen area, you should most definitely go to Adam's Thrift Shop and The Peddler in Pinebluff.  They are right beside each other and they have some super good deals. 

Anyways, I can't wait to spray paint the frame of that mirror and the big frame with the artwork (which I will be taking out).  I love big frames and mirrors but hardly ever buy any because they are usually so darn pricey.  The old milk bottle on the left will be a great simple vase for any flowers that you know, Will might bring home sometime.  Once all the other vases/flasks/bottles are spraypainted and attached to a piece of wood, the final piece will hopefully resemble something like this nifty little Stalagmite Vase from Urban Outfitters:

And speaking of gluing, sanding, and spray painting, Will and I looked at a potential condo for us to live in January - July and Will is already referring to the garage as my "work space."  Heck yeah.

Price breakdown for thrift store finds:
Mirror: $10 (Adam's)
Milk jug: $1 (Adam's)
Five other bottles/vases: $5 (Adam's; Peddler; and Pasttimes, West End)
14 x 16 frame: $10 (Michael's Auction Gallary, Southern Pines - going out of business)

Oh and I almost forgot one!  My mom bought a carved wooden Santa half off at one thrift shop and she got to pick out a free DVD.  Since my mom doesn't do technology, she let me pick one out for myself.  The lady suggested I get Austin Powers or Cheaper by the Dozen.  Guess what I picked?

Oh yeah.  Take that Cheaper by the Dozen.

Anyways, Kate and Amy and I also went to TJ Maxx after having lunch one day.  This was a big thing for me because a) I love TJ Maxx and b) it was my first time going to the TJ at home.  My poor little hometown is just getting so big.  Two parts fun, one part sad, and one part terrifying. 

Moving on, here's what I scooped up there:

I've been looking for a nice little drinks/breakfast tray, so of course I snatched this one up for $8.  Then I found the nice big bulb vase that I'm going to turn into a lamp with a standard lamp kit from either Wal-Mart or Home Depot and a shade that I'll find somewhere along the way.  Also $8.  Then I got those two little frames.  The one in the back ($8) will stay as is, aka far away from spray paint, but the silver one in front is definitely getting the spray paint treatment.  I plan on doing this one day:

It's just so interesting to look at it.  So fun.  Oh and no worries, I've already started collecting frames for this little project:

All but that pretty little one second from the left will most definitely be spray painted.  I mean everyone loves a sunflower, but still.  That one will get spray painted white.  As for the 2 silver ones, I haven't decided on a color quite yet.  The frames on the ends are from Goodwill and were a total of $5.  Perfect.  Oh, and the "Food for the Southern Soul" sticker won't be staying there, but I figured safely storing it somewhere would be a great way for me to not lose it.  I put my thinking cap on for that one.

How great is it going to be when I get that work space?

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