Thursday, September 30, 2010

my favorite boys

I planned this upcoming weekend back in May.  A baseball game 5 months in the making.  But yall, this is not just a baseball game.  This is a big one.

See this guy here?

His name is Bobby Cox and he is all I've known of Braves baseball.  I started watching Braves games with my dad back in 1996.  It started when we went to Atlanta that summer for a family wedding.  Now I am a huge daddy's girl and I always have been, but back then, it was out of control.  Not only that, but I just thought it was way more fun to hang out with my dad, my uncle, and my cousins rather than go to a silly rehearsal dinner (I really didn't understand the concept behind a "rehearsal" dinner anyways).  So that's what I did - I went to my first ever baseball game with my dad and other family.  I was clueless and really all I cared about was getting on TV (it didn't happen).  When we came home from that trip, watching baseball with my dad became something new and fun for us to do! 

But back to Bobby.  Bobby has been the manager since that very first game I attended.  That is 14 years of my life.  Just think - I was 9 years old when this love affair started!  Ask any baseball fan, and they'll tell you he's an incredible manager and has managed some incredible teams that were made up of not-as-incredible individuals. 

Bobby's last game as a manager will be this upcoming Sunday.  On Saturday - at the game we'll be at - they are doing a Bobby Cox tribute and I'm going to do my best not to cry.  But for sure no promises.

Other people I'll be hanging out with this weekend:

My boyfriend Brian (don't worry, Will knows about him)

My new friend Jason - I think he's a keeper

Oh wait, did I forget to mention these two will be there as well?

Atlanta, here I come!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a walk of love

My Mema has Alzheimer's.  I found out when I was home for fall break my freshman year of college.  In the 4 years that followed, Mema showed some signs that the disease was progressing, but it also seemed like typical old people stuff.  You know, simple things like forgetting what year of school I was in or what I was majoring in.

However, this last year has definitely been a turn for the worse.  It's painfully clear that she has this disease and that it's doing bad things to her mind. 

Which brings me to this weekend, when my beautiful cousins Marley and Madison, their mom Denise, and Mema herself will be participating in an Alzheimer's walk in Raleigh, NC.  Marley found out about it a week or so ago and they've quickly put together a team, aptly named Mema's Girls.  If only I could be there.

Madison, Marley, me, and Mema (and my cousin Paul!) on my graduation day

Tonight I made my donation to their team and to fight to learn more about this disease.  If you would like to donate to Mema's girls, please click here!  And whether you are able to donate or not, thanks for reading.

pizza pizza

My all-time favorite food is a turkey cheesesteak from the Brass Rail in Allentown, PA.  But since I'm rarely able to get one, my easy favorite food is most likely pizza.  I love it.  It's easy, filling, and there are just so many options. 

Since I've been on this eat better and spend less money on food kick, I've been eating less pizza.  But yesterday, I simply couldn't stop thinking about pizza.  So enter my solution: 1 thin crust 100% whole wheat crust, chopped green peppers, chopped red peppers, chopped onion, chopped mushrooms, grilled chicken, garlic powder, 1 cup part-skim mozzerella, and just enough pizza sauce to make a difference.  So simple yet so yummy.  When my handy dandy ap calculated all the nutrition, 2 slices (aka dinner) was just under 380 calories! And let me tell you, it was just what I needed.

My other personal favorite variations:
- pineapple, turkey pepperoni, and ricotta cheese
- grilled chicken, onions, and buffalo sauce
- ricotta, mozzerella, and spinach (either no or very little sauce)
- or just a plain veggie pizza with whatever I have on hand

Let me know if you have any recommendations for what I should try next!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

mission: get healthy

Back in July, I finally got fed up.  I had been irritable and unpleasant for weeks and blamed most of it on living in Connecticut.  Even more though I blamed it on not doing anything for myself - so that weekend I went out and bought some canvases and paint and an easel.  (I haven't used these yet but I feel better having them).  Overall I just wasn't happy with myself and one night I wrote down the things that were bothering me most:

  • Unwillingness to workout even though I don't like being fat
  • Buying things that are unnecessary or just because they're on sale
  • Eating out all the time
  • Living in clutter

Now I should clarify one thing: I had definitely gained weight, but I probably didn't fit in the fat category - but my pants defintiely weren't fitting anymore.  Anyways, clearly many of these were related.  If I actually went to the grocery store instead of eating out every night, my bank account would be happier and I would probably start dropping some pounds.  Once that light bulb finally went off, I started making some changes.

Things really got going on August 31 when I downloaded a food journal type ap that lets me keep track of everything I'm eating and calculates all the nutrition totals.  I also started going to the gym just about every day and really kicking up that cardio.  I started cooking again and discovered a delicious way to roast veggies and also learned that maybe I don't hate salads as much as I thought I did.

I don't have a before picture and even if I did, I probably wouldn't post it.  But here are some of my accomplishments so far:

  • I've lost 7 pounds!!
  • I jokingly flexed the other day and saw more bicep than I've ever seen on myself before
  • My pants are fitting much better!
  • I actually like and look forward to working out

My biggest accomplishment so far though came this past Tuesday though.  About a month ago, my friend Kristen introduced me to this little workout: run a mile, do 10 (girl) push-ups, 15 squats, and 20 crunches x5 (KK says 10, I laugh), and then run another mile.  Now I hate running.  I really do.  BUT running outside is actually rather peaceful and for just a mile, it's kind of enjoyable.  Plus, I know I'm running towards something and not just running to run.  I decided to do this workout for the 4th time on Tuesday.  I took out the crunches because I had done pilates the day before and added in some reps of tricep rows and make-the-love-handles-go-away moves, but everything else stayed the same.  News flash: the girl that hates running ran the first mile in 10 minutes flat with only 1.5 minutes of walking and ran the second mile in 10.5 minutes with only 2.5 minutes of walking.  I was ecstatic!  Here's to many more accomplishments and an eventual after picture!

did you know i've always secretly loved berets?

These pretty balls of blue yarn don't look like much, but my wonderful crafty cousin (in-law) Heather is going to turn them into a pretty starry beret.  I'm so glad her knitting skills have progressed past the simple scarf, much unlike mine have.  Things like this actually make me slightly excited about the lower temperatures!

one year down

Three days ago (aka September 22) marked my 1 year anniversary of living in Connecticut.  To be perfectly honest, I can't believe it's been just one year.  Although this place will never be considered home, I can say that it has become familiar.  After so many weekend trips this summer, the return to CT somehow managed to put me at ease.  However, let's put this in perspective: this 1 year anniversary simply means that most likely, the amount of time I've previously spent in CT is greater than the amount of time I have left to spend here!

Most important things I've learned about my little bubble in Connecticut:

  • Mini Coopers are all the rage.  Will and I now play "punch mini" instead of "punch bug"

  • If you don't have a Mini, you definitely have a Land/Range Rover

  • Connecticut driving laws include blowing through stop signs, turning left on red lights (I've seen this multiple times), never ever using a turn signal, and merging onto major highways like I-95 while going 35 mph is perfectly okay - and not at all unsafe

  • Farmer's markets are big around here, but convenient times are not: Rowayton Farmer's Market is open from 12 to 5 on Friday and the Darien Farmer's Market is open from 11 - 6 on Wednesday - not for a working woman like me

And my life in Connecticut in picture form:

 We took puffy jackets to the extreme and went to the see the tree at Rockefeller Plaza - in the snow!

The next morning, this is all the snow that was left.  Not the blizzard I was hoping for.

The last night in the Prospect St apartment.  The lights made the street feel so pretty in gloomy January!

T.O. was a jerk so I didn't get my picture taken with him, but I found Turk!!

Kelcey came to visit and this is the best picture we got out of it.  Maybe next time we'll start taking pictures before 1 am?

The house we live in in Rowayton!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

you can call me marilyn

Confession: This morning I had my own Marilyn Monroe moment.  I was feeling all cute and spiffy in my little wrap dress from Ann Taylor Loft this morning when I walked out of the work cafeteria with my scrambled egg whites in a whole wheat wrap (a treat to myself since I had an 8am dentist appointment).  I was walking with a little pep in my step for about 6 steps or so when all of a sudden a gust of wind came out of no where - and up went my dress.  I did a swift turn-around-so-people-in-the-caf-don't-see and as doing so grabbed the dress down and held on for dear life.  Then I giggled all the way back to my desk.

staring out the window

The best thing about the bad place is that my desk is right beside windows.  It's not always the prettiest view, but it's a view and on blue sky and sunshiney days, it's pretty special.  On clear days, I can even see the skyline of Manhattan. I sometimes find myself staring out the window for minutes at a time, just dreaming of the day that I can be out there instead of here. In my cubicle.

Monday, September 20, 2010

i would keep this desk clean

So there I was scanning through a Crate&Barrel catalog that randomly came to the house, when all of a sudden I stopped and said out loud "OH wow."  Yes - I actually exclaimed over furniture.  A desk and bookcase to be exact.  Then I sat there and questioned if that moment in time had just aged me 10 years, but got over it because this desk is just that good. 

Now, I'm usually one who likes lots of drawers (not because I can throw things in them without organizing it of course...) but I could easily get over that if it meant I could have this pretty piece instead.

One day.  And maybe by that one day my wood-working/furniture building skills (which yes, are nonexistant now) will be out in full force and I can build my own perfect desk.  That's the dream.

figuring things out

I'm slowly but surely figuring out what this blog is going to focus on.  It's going to be a bit haphazard, but in my mind it all fits perfectly together.  Maybe that's because my thoughts are often bouncing all over the place so having a little confusion mixed into organization makes sense to me?  Whatever it is, this is how I think things might shape up...

Two parts diary - because we all need a diary from time to time

Two parts wish list - filled with both material items that I have my eye on and pictures and images that reflect how I view my life one day

One part cookbook - because I love reading first-hand accounts of recipes (and because I'm awful at remembering to email recipes and I make scanners freeze when I do remember)

One part get-healthy journal - I figure if I put it out there that I'm trying to get into shape, maybe I'll feel accountable to make it happen?

One part admiration - it's hard for me to tell people that I admire them, but it's really easy for me to write about it

Yes, this is all starting to fall into place.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

a small piece of heaven on earth

You know those places that you love to visit because when you're there you have not a care in the world?  That's me when I'm at Will's lake house.  It's most definitely in the top 10 of my favorite places to be.  I think it's a combination of the lake, the not very good cell service, and the basic simplicity of life that makes it so perefect.  Plus when I'm there I'm almost always surrounded by people I love - which makes any place even better.

Luckily, Will and I got to spend our Labor Day weekend down there.  Not only that, but both of our families came too!  I had seen my parents the weekend before in Pennsylvania for my aunt's funeral, so this was a much happier and much needed weekend for all of us.  Highlights of the trip included all sorts of delicious yet healthy food, from incredible peaches to homemade veggie-filled turkey burgers, my dad being my mirror - and brutally honest - every time I tried on sunglasses at the outlets, finally getting my shins to tan so I didn't have terribly awkward two-toned legs, and Trooper the puppy - because puppies are always a highlight in my life.  My favorite though were the early morning walks my dad and I went on Sunday and Monday (my mom also joined us on Sunday).  We did a quick 1.3 mile loop around the hill-filled neighborhood in the perfect brisk-walking temperature of 58 or so degrees.  Really, it doesn't get much better than that.

Family!  PS: if you know my dad, check out how good he looks.  All that eating healthy is definitely paying off!

Trooper in a life vest and on a raft!  Basically living the good life.

too early?

Over Labor Day weekend - which was a perfect weekend that will soon get it's own blog entry in itself - I realized that I already have one joint Christmas present for my parents picked out and another present for my Dad picked out.  Dad if you're reading this 1 - don't worry I'm not spending tons of money and 2 - yes I do have to get you something.  Anyhoo, that got me thinking about my own Christmas list.  I realize that Christmas is still 3 and a half months away, but if I don't start writing things down, won't I just forget them?  So as of today, September 19, this is my Christmas list:

If you know me, you might be a little shocked to see Uggs on here.  Well, that's what living in Connecticut can do a person - I will do/wear anything to keep myself warm and toasty.  Side note: I wore a scarf last week.  In mid-September.  I'm still coming to terms with that.

So basically, I want more stylish unbelievably comfortable and perfect workout pants, a food scale so I can stop guessing how many ounces of cheese I just ate, adorable salt and pepper shakers to go in my "one day when I don't live with 5 other people these are items I will use to decorate my kitchen" box, an A hook to hopefully break the looking-for-my-keys-everytime-I-leave-the-house cycle, and a little guilty pleasure otherwise known as Greek Chapter 5 (which technically isn't out yet, but there's still 3 and a half months to go!).

Top row from left:
Middle row from left:
Bottom row from left:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

oh heels

Anyone that knows me knows that I am not a girl that cares enough to wear heels - ever.  I mean yeah they make my legs look better and they might give me an extra couple inches and yeah they usually pull an outfit together, but seriously, give me a pair of flats.  I just can't take the pain.

Which brings me to this past saturday and these little babies...
Nine West Rocha from Piperlime

Don't they look darling?  And I had a super special occasion: Will and I celebrated our 3 year!! Crazy talk.  But there I was in a new dress with these snazzy shoes feeling ready to take on the world.  That is until I got about 20 steps out of the house. So maybe we needed to run to the train station - my shoes were having none of it.  Yes, we did walk to the closest drug store once we left Grand Central.  I got heel inserts, perfect!  Except I ended up with blisters on the side of my foot under my big toe.

I have confidence these we will one day be wearable, but for now they will only be seeing the inside of my closet.