Thursday, November 4, 2010

those girls

Not to brag, but I think I have some pretty awesome friends.  Sometimes when I look around Connecticut and realize I haven't made any great (okay okay, any at all) girl friends, I feel a little sad, but then I remember all those awesome girls in my life that are lucky enough to be in NC (who knew I could be so jealous of that?!).  And of course there's KK, hanging out in (don't mess with) Texas.  Oh - and there's one girl who's halfway across the world* in Turkey.  Can't forget about her!

To the ones that have blogs, let me introduce you:

Kate - last night I was watching America's Next Top Model in the living room with Will (we don't have cable hooked up in our room yet or a DVR box yet so he didn't protest to much) when Tom (aka other roommate) came home.  Tom went in to the kitchen to make himself from dinner when he eventually came out of there and said "Geez Will, what are you watching?"  Funny boys.  The thing is if Kate was around she would have been right beside me.  And then we would have watched 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom, RH of DC/NJ/NYC/OC/BH, and Wheel of Fortune.  Kate also adores Bojangles, sends super great text messages, is incredibly smart, and is just a delight to be around. 

Courtney - you've already met Courtsport here, but there's a few extra things you might not know about her: she's my go to girl for opinion on clothes (especially Anthro and Gap) which is of course a vital aspect of any friendship, she grew up on a farm, and we keep each other up to date on all the engagements/weddings/having babies that involve people we knew/were friends with in high school.

Natalie - 1) one of the best accents you'll ever hear, 2) fellow J School, Public Relations sequence grad who wonders "what the heck was I thinking when I picked that?!," 3) avid diy blog-reader and crafter and 4) another lover of all things reality TV.  She also made a visit up to CT back in June which made Will and me feel very loved.  Thanks Natty!

Ashley – we met in fourth grade and were instant friends.  Then we became friends who wouldn’t speak to each other for one full day because we were SO mad, but then would be totally over it and besties the next.  Ashley still likes to bring up the fact that I one time didn’t talk to her for a solid week because I had a dream where she made me really really mad.  Thanks for sticking with me!

And of course, there are the girls who haven't succumbed to having a blog quite yet.

Kristen - she reads the insanely long emails I write her while at work - sometimes 4 of them a day - and never complains.  She also helps keep me accountable for eating well by sharing yummy recipes and for going to the gym by a) asking if I went, and b) sharing new workouts to keep things interesting.  Maybe she's my life coach in disguise?  Either way, she's great.  Plus she's from Texas which adds to her mystique.

Amy B – seriously, I don’t think there’s a person in the world that without even trying can make me smile and feel better about life than this girl.  She used to tell incredibly hilarious stories about kiddos in her classes named U-R-Chi-F and the boy from Kenya and Armando.  And she’s the best at leaving fun little random pick-me-up notes around for you to find.  One of my favorites is still from freshman year to Lauren B that said “Why are you in Carrboro?!”  Oh, and we met in like first grade when we were in girl scouts together.

Lauren B – she always let me borrow her clothes.  Even when I could tell she didn’t really want to let me borrow them.  She also kept me sane when we spent one incredibly crazy summer together.  We had our ups and downs, but by senior year, we were perfect for each other.  We also went to Panama City for spring break together which I think seals our friendship for life.

Kelcey – we’ve been BFFs since we were 3 years old.  I love that.  Somewhere there is a too-funny picture of her eyeing my cupcake at my 3 year old birthday party.  I skipped school with her once and after hitting a squirrel got pulled over for speeding, got out of it, and went to the reservoir and took ridiculous pictures with a random camera in my car.  Because you know, that’s what normal kids do. (Side note: Dad, I’ve always wondered the best time to tell you that little tidbit.  I guess it’s right now?  It was 7 years ago, you can’t be mad.)  She too made a visit up to CT and let me tell you, it was by far the craziest and most sleep-deprived weekend of the year.  Plus she gave her official approval of Will since after dating for 3 years, they finally met for the first time!

Marley – she’s not only a friend, she’s also a cousin.  And she’s so freaking cool.  Sometimes I look up to her and her sister Madison, even though they’re 21 and 15 respectively.  One of my favorite memories: we were playing Loopin Louie at her house and we had so much fun that one of us peed our pants right then and there.  I won’t say which one because let’s face it, if it was her she’ll kill me and if it was me I wouldn’t want to admit it. 

So yes.  I am totally blessed.  And I’m not sure whether it was me trying to be positive recently, not only in life and general, but particularly about focusing on the things I like about CT (the best radio station of all time can be found up here for example) or the fact that changing leaves make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside which then makes me think of Thanksgiving which makes me think of giving thanks, but whatever it is I just wanted to share my love for all these girls.  They are pretty dang awesome.

*I actually have no idea where in the world Turkey is located, but I figured "halfway around the world" was a valid guess.

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile.

    Thanks for sharing and including me.

    We all miss you as much as you miss us!
