Friday, November 5, 2010

before & after

So I told you that at some point I hoped to put a before and after photo of me on here once I get a little more in shape and all.  Well, let's just say the recent 5-day adventure of moving that included Outback, Wendy's, Domino's, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, McDonalds again, and Wendy's again have pushed that little after photo just a bit farther away.  That and my recent obsessively-eating-bagels phase.  But anyways, I do have a rather exciting and incredible before and after that is going to blow anything I could do out of the water!

Meet Harold.  Aka Dad.

Surprise!  This photo wasn't taken on graduation day.  It was actually taken a few weeks after graduation because we didn't want to deal with the grounds on the actual blue-gown day.  Anyways, let's say this was taken in late May 2009.  There's Daddio.

Check him out now:

Yes that's right.  He's fitting into shirts that were made in 1992 and 1993!  How crazy exciting is that?  Also, let's take special note of the beautiful shirt I whipped up back when I was 5 years old.  In case "My Special Daddy" didn't let you know that he was in fact said Daddy, the word "Dad" and 3 arrows pointing to his face should do it for you.

Dad, you're doing awesome.  Go Dad go!

1 comment:

  1. Woo to the Hoo for Harold!

    Pass the kudos on to your dad Allison!
