Tuesday, November 30, 2010

hello world

Okay, so this whole trip through the Atlanta airport on Sunday was the most interesting and adventurous (in a good way) one yet.  Not only did we spot two celebrities, but I became a local celebrity as well.  That is if you consider being interviewed by CBS Atlanta about holiday travel and being on the news celebrity status. 

Even though we were getting in the security line at 1 and our flight didn't board til 2:20, when the news lady stopped us and asked if we wouldn't mind answering a few questions Will said, "Oh sorry, we have to catch our flight." I not-so-accidentally called him a liar in front of her so she jumped in and said oh, you wouldn't mind?! and I said of course not.  Because that's what a fellow journalism student does.

Check it out!  I'm around the 1:05ish mark. 

And now that you've watched it, let's take a second to admire just how good I was looking for my television debut:

Hmm.  Maybe I should have showered after all.

Update: My dad informed me that my link wasn't working, so I fixed it (I think).  Oopsies.

1 comment:

  1. Haha this is great!! And don't worry, you look waaay better than lip-liner lady from around 1:35... :)
