Thursday, October 28, 2010


Oh my goodness yall.  November 12 cannot come soon enough because this girl is coming to visit.

FYI: this photo is not meant to be artsy.  If you can't tell or weren't there, Courtney was driving my car because she's a very good DD.  Just felt like I needed to clarify that.

So moving on, I'm super excited because she is awesome, the bomb dot com, and all that jazz.  I received a card in the mail today and although I would love to just scan the whole thing and throw it on here, I won't (because I really like snail mail and I want people to keep sending it to me).  But here's a few key points from her list of "things we need to talk about:"

- How old is too old to have babies? (ahem, Celine Dion)
- Will
- Substitutes for coffee
- "Leatherette" pants
- Starting a band

I love her for her randomness, her incredibly hilarious text messages, her ability to turn a simple story into something great, and for her usual happy outlook on life - even when things aren't going her way.

I can't wait to hang out with you, watch Elf on Broadway with you, shop with you, and laugh all the freaking time with you. See you soon!!

PS: not kidding, she was so focused on the road even while I forced her to keep taking pictures.  Just another reason to be thankful for her.

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