Friday, November 12, 2010

stupid connecticut

Yesterday I had a Stupid Connecticut day.  This is the term I give days when things happen that I just can't fathom.  Or it's just an overall annoying type of day.  I know I've complained about the driving before, but yall, it's serious.  Who turns right from the middle lane at a red light?  Who tails you in a 30 mph zone that's both residential and filled with shops and businesses and has cars parked on both sides of the street and then passes you even though it's a double yellow line?  But enough about the driving.  I had to share those little details, but I won't bore you with the others from the day.  Just know that when I find myself exclaiming "Stupid Connecticut!," I know it's a Stupid Connecticut day. 
When I'm having a day much like that, I dream about putting this on my wall:

DREAM about this I tell ya.  This beautiful thing belongs on my wall and in my life so that I can feel just a little bit closer to the mother land.  Consider this guy officially on my Christmas list.

A friend of mine at work came over to my desk and asked if I would move back to North Carolina because he wants to move to Charlotte but hopes to have more friends there.  I laughed.  Would I?  You know it.

But just to show that there actually are a few things I like about Connecticut:  I have no idea what I'll do without this radio station when I'm no longer in range, this place makes working out enjoyable and has a super pilates instructor, and being able to jump on a train and be in NYC in 50 minutes is pretty nice to have as an option.  After all, it's not all the time that I get to hang out in Central Park, is it?

You guessed it - photo taken in Central Park.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to the "stupid Connecticut" days - I have lots of "Turkiye'ye hos geldiniz (welcome to Turkey)" days, haha
