Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Celebrity sightings in NYC: 0
Celebrity sightings in Atlanta airport in one day: 2

Here’s what happened: Will and I got off the train (if you’ve never been to the Atlanta airport, picture an above ground subway in the ATL airport – you move so fast through terminals!) and are headed up the long escalator when I hear this guy talking on the phone.  I turn around to look and even though he was wearing big sunglasses, I immediately recognize him as Syrus from The Real World.  I stare for probably longer than I should have, but I swear he smirked a little.  So I turn around and without being too obvious I tell Will hey hey hey Syrus from The Real World is back there!  He looks at me like I’m clueless.  I say you know, Season 5 (later found out it was season 6 – so close!), Boston?!  Nothing.  So I get him to turn around and he immediately recognizes him from all of our years of watching Real World/Road Rules Challenges (seriously good television).  Although he now knows who I’m talking about, he laughs and says he definitely doesn’t think it’s him.  So I turn around again being all nonchalant of course and decide once and for all it’s totally him.

syrus yarbrough

But just to make sure, after getting off the escalator I wait off to the side to get one more good look.  As he walks by and I feel myself starting to waver just a bit, I hear a girl behind me say, “Hey who’s that guy?!  He’s that music guy!” and her friend responds, “No, he’s the guy from the reality show!”  I immediately turn around and say “Yeah isn’t it Syrus from The Real World?!” and they both agree that’s who it is.  Celebrity spotting: Allison 1, Will 0.

Fast forward to us getting on the plane.  I get stopped by the flight attendant who has to pass out drinks to the first class people (this has happened to me on two flights in a row now – anyone else?) while Will makes it all the way to our seats.  Once I get there and get my bags situated, he tells me to look at the bald guy in the window seat about 10 rows up.  At first I can’t tell who it is because well, it’s the back of a bald man’s head, but once he turns and I get a profile what do you know – it’s the guy from 30 Rock!

Okay okay, neither of us actually knew his name, but recognizing him definitely counts more I think.  Celebrity spotting:  Allison 1, Will 1.

NYC, I think it’s time you step up your game.

PS: senior year of college Will and I went with our friends Ryan and JP to Time Out – sober (for anyone from Chapel Hill wondering why we would go such a place sober, I have 2 words for you: fried okra).  Will, JP and I were in there with only 2 other people – a man and a woman.  I look at the man for a second and think to myself Whoa that guy looks like Nomar Garciaparra.  Whoa.  So I whisper it to Will and looks over and agrees it looks like him, but it’s definitely not him.  When we get outside, Ryan, who was sitting in the car, says “Hey, did you guys see Nomar and Mia Hamm?”  Does anyone else see a pattern here?

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