Thursday, November 4, 2010

another day, another soup

I promise I eat more than just soup.  I’m currently on a bagel kick that’s essentially ruining any progress I have made on my waist line.  Well, the bagels and the exorbitant amount of fast food I managed to put into my body Friday – Tuesday, aka moving days.  But that’s a story for another time.  This is a story about soup.

Yet again, I turned to Cooking Light for a healthy, yummy soup.  And I found it: spicy tomato bean soup.  It was super easy and definitely doable for a weeknight meal – I made it in about 20 minutes one night.  It was also super cheap since I had to most of the ingredients and the 5 I did have to pick up only cost about $10.  Who wouldn’t want to spend $10 to make a soup that has already turned into a lunch and a dinner, and still has at least 3 servings to go?!  The only thing that caught me off guard was how similar it was to chili.  I probably should have expected this since a) it has chili powder, b) it has beans, and c) it has tomatoes.  However I’m a girl that likes meatless or turkey chili, so to heavy meat-eaters this soup might taste nothing like chili to you!  Either way, you're probably going to like this soup.

And yes, I did add a grilled cheese to my dinner as well.  Who can pass up a yummy grilled cheese anyway?

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