Friday, November 19, 2010

autumn blues

Not to be a drag and all, but I’ve been feeling a little down recently.  This usually happens when the weather turns colder and it gets dark so early outside, but this year it’s been especially frustrating.  I think I’m maybe a little too excited for Thanksgiving break and spending time with family, so it’s making each day even that much harder to get through.  Add to that the move and the fact that a) our previous landlord is a sucky person (LC always was my favorite) and b) our apartment still isn’t totally put together, and I’m just a wee bit burnt out.  Okay just had to get that out there.

I’ve started working on a couple crafting/diy projects but have hit a few snags along the way ie I need glue, a ½ inch drill bit, and a place to spray paint.  But if I did have all proper equipment and all the space in the world to work, this is what I would do:

1)  Paint a rug.  Yeah, when I first saw this tutorial by Sarah on how to do it I thought “Eeeks, I don't want to walk on paint.”  But she convinced me that if you do it right, your rug will stay nice and pleasant.  Besides, we aren’t talking about painting a shag rug here so really how much coziness is there to lose?

These are rugs that I think would be fun to imitate:

Rug images from Anthropologie and Surya - and although some have a metallic sheen don't worry, that was just my computer's idea of a funny joke

2) Paint paintings.  I’ve always been crazy over paintings and prints that incorporate letters and words.  Maybe it’s because I used to consider that one of the things I did best in art class – tell me to take my initials or favorite letter and make it interesting and I was one happy happy girl.  I also like flowers though too, but not in the still life flowers-in-a-vase-on-a-table way but more in the add-flowers-but-don’t-make-it-a-painting-of-flowers way.

These are "word" prints that have caught my eye:

All images from Sugarboo Designs

And these guys have flowers:

From left to right: Urban Outfitter's Print Shop, Anthropologie, AnthropologieSugarboo (I'm pretty sure I could do something simliar to those Anthro ones, and therefore not pay the combined $1,198 for them)

3) Build furniture.  This is probably years down the line but seriously, how cool would it be to see a piece of a furniture in a store, look at the price tag and think “I could make that.”  It would be so cool!  I just love the idea of building from scratch.  It’s kind of like when I cook: even if it doesn’t turn out perfect, I’m pretty pleased with myself.  And I think since furniture stays around way longer than food does that satisfied feeling would be even better.

Here are some pieces I like:

From left to right: Unknown and unknown (I got both images from RueLaLa), Urban Outfitters

So that’s how I’ve been spending my time recently: dreaming of non-cold, non-Connecticut days when I can paint and sand and drill to my heart’s delight.  While that sounds fine and dandy, I think I need to try and live a little more in the present.

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