Sunday, December 12, 2010

hey hey hey beret

Do you remember when I took some pictures of some yarn and said one day it would be a beret?  Although I figured Heather would just hold on to said beret until I got home for Christmas, I got an early surprise when she put it in the mail (and really, with the temperatures I have to look forward to, I'm very glad she felt compelled to do this)!

Heather and Paul are doing a literary themed Christmas (Paul is an English professor!), and this wrapping and bow was just adorable.  I took this picture with my phone in my car in the parking garage at work which should explain the darkness and weirdness about it, but I was just too excited to wait for my camera.

And there she is!  Looking all cute.  PS: how in the world do you photograph a beret? I clearly had no idea.  Anyways, I love her way more than any other winter wear I own.

And there I am, in full morning-Allison-awkwardness, wearing my new beauty.  I love it I love it I love it. (Oh, and the color is more accurate in the first picture - you can thank lighting + flash for the odd change of color).

PS: I had a bit of adventure picking her up.  I forgot to tell Heather that I moved recently so she sent it Fed Ex to my old address.  I showed up the day it was suppose to arrive and didn't see a note on the door or a package on the porch, so instead of bursting into tears like I fully expected to do if this happened, I took a shot and knocked on the door.  Turns out, the sweetest little family has moved in already and in all my rambling and trying to explain why I was randomly knocking on her door and asking if she had a package for me, little momma of the house interrupted and said, "Allison?!  It arrived yesterday!"  What a sweetheart.  And Heather too.  So many sweethearts.

1 comment:

  1. It looks so good on you! I'm so glad you were able to get your package. You'll have to send me your new address.
