Friday, July 1, 2011

Let's do some laundry

Growing up, my mom never let me do laundry.  I left for college without knowing how to work a washer.  I asked my mom numerous times to show me how to do laundry, but she's particular about things being done her way (I mean we all are at times, right?), so I usually didn't push the issue too hard.  Maybe that's why I like doing laundry and feel sort of oddly accomplished when I do it.  Plus, I'm a really awesome folder (no, seriously) and my tshirt piles are rather impressive. 

And maybe that's why I decided to make my own laundry detergent.  That plus hating how expensive detergent was and how fast it disappeared - and that I have a slight bit of hippy in me.  That's something my mom did teach me :)

So do you want to make your laundry detergent?  I used this tutorial and it was super easy.  You just need these 3 simple ingredients and a cheese grater.

(I found both the Borax and Washing Soda at my grocery store, but I had to order the soap from Amazon - still easy and cheap).

You measure out 1 cup of both Borax and the washing soda, do a little lot of grating (this was the hardest part for me, which I think speaks for just how easy this is), put it in a bowl, mix it all up, and VOILA instant laundry detergent!  Depending on how much I use (you're supposed to use 1 tablespoon, but for smaller loads I just guestimate) it smells fresh but not perfumey, or just slightly lemony.  But I love lemon so it all works out.  Also, the boxes hold about 5 cups each and I've yet to make a dent in my first batch of dergent that I made back in April.  So awesome.

What about the dryer you ask?  Did I go all crazy there too?  You bet I did.  Enter dryer balls:

These have replaced my dryer sheets.  They last years and years, help dry things faster by absorbing the water (they are made of super thick felted wool), and they're just plain fun.  I use 8 for big loads and 4 for smaller loads.  And I heart them.  I ordered my set from a shop on Etsy called Clean Sypria.  I saw numerous other shops selling them, but I liked that her listings include an awesome Q&A all about dryer balls and their benefits.  Plus you can get them scented if you want! (I didn't, but I might add some smell good some day).  Plus I never have to buy dryer sheets again!  Mother Earth and my wallet are both smiling right now.

Who knew laundry could be so much fun?!  Maybe that's why my mom held out on me all those years. 

PS: I have a good excuse for being MIA this time.  No really.  I'm moving to San Francisco.  More on that some other time.

Borax picture from, Fels Naptha and Super Washing Soda pictures from, Wool Dryer Balls picture from Etsy.

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