Saturday, February 5, 2011

professional mover?

No. I am not and nor will I ever be a professional mover.  If you had asked about 4 weeks ago if I thought I was good at moving, I would have said "Oh absolutely! I've done it enough that I better be good at it!" Ha. HA.  Moving took up an entire full weekend and then we lived with far too much furniture in the living room and boxes all over the bedroom for another 5 days.  Tonight things are finally falling into place, but man oh man, I am so glad I'm not a professional mover.

There will be pictures to come soon, but for now, the walls are still a bit too bare and the boxes are still a bit too many (although really 1 box is too many so it's not as terrible as it sounds).  But I do have a bright side.  One very big bright side!

First let's rewind.  If you don't read 1800 home design blogs aren't like me, you might not know that anyone and everyone is talking about cleaning house and getting rid of things that just aren't necessary/useful/remembered.  Just the other day, I read about someones mission to get rid of 50 things - and 4 pairs of shoes could only count as "one" thing.  Get the idea?  Well, at this point I am up to at least 38 things on my list of 50, but to be perfectly honest that equates to at least 131 actual items that are gone forever (I say at least 131 items because I wasn't counting when I attacked my bathroom and travel-size toiletries and things when flying into the trash/down the drain).  Just a few things that I will never see again:

- wrapping paper that I didn't like
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Johnny Depp version
- an Allison-sized (aka not Will-sized) white sofa
- a toilet paper holder (because one of the places we lived didn't have one?)
- an easel that never made it out of the bag (and was clearly far inferior to the one Will gave me for Christmas)
- a beaten up suitcase
- wooden spoons (if they weren't perfect, the texture made me cringe - anyone else?)
- a paper-storage-thing I got back in middle school that just got replaced by a much nicer folder holder thing
- a dingy dirty sheet set (um, gross)

Current things to be excited about:

- new bedding and new sheets!!
- DVD organizing baskets
- a free floor lamp courtesy of roommate Kyle
- hanging fun things on the wall
- spray painting and sanding and fixing

Anyways, I hope your Saturday was a bit more glorious than mine.  But having no life until this place is settled is going to be so darn worth it.

Pictures soon!

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